Millets and Yoga: A Harmonious Duo for Holistic Well-being

Millets and Yoga:

Millets and Yoga, both deeply rooted in ancient traditions, have been gaining renewed attention in the modern wellness landscape. While yoga is celebrated for its holistic health benefits, millets are gaining popularity as nutritious, sustainable grains. This article delves into the symbiotic relationship between these two, highlighting how their combined benefits can enhance overall well-being.

Millets and Yoga share several commonalities, despite being seemingly different practices:

1. Ancient Origins:

Both Millets and Yoga have ancient roots dating back thousands of years. Yoga originated in ancient India and has been practiced for spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. Similarly, millets have been cultivated since ancient times, especially in Asia and Africa, providing essential nutrition to ancient civilizations.

2. Focus on Holistic Health:

Yoga is known for its holistic approach to health, emphasizing physical postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), meditation, and ethical principles. Millets, on the other hand, are recognized for their nutritional richness, providing a holistic source of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

3. Sustainability:

Both Millets and Yoga promote sustainability. Yoga encourages mindfulness and respect for the environment (ahimsa), while millets are environmentally sustainable crops requiring less water and resources compared to traditional grains like wheat and rice. Choosing millets supports sustainable agriculture practices and reduces the ecological footprint.

4. Adaptability:

Both Millets and Yoga are adaptable to various lifestyles and dietary preferences. Yoga can be practiced by people of all ages and fitness levels, adapting to individual needs and goals. Similarly, millets are versatile in cooking and can be used in a variety of dishes from breakfast porridges to savory meals, catering to diverse culinary tastes.

5. Health Benefits:

Both Millets and Yoga offer numerous health benefits. Yoga improves flexibility, strength, cardiovascular health, and mental well-being. Millets, being gluten-free and nutrient-dense, promote digestive health, regulate blood sugar levels, and provide sustained energy. Together, they contribute to a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Furthermore, it’s noteworthy that both International Yoga Day and the International Year of Millets were recognized by the United Nations, driven by resolutions initiated by India:

  • International Yoga Day: Recognized on June 21st every year, as it is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and shares a special significance in many parts of the world. International Yoga Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2014, following a proposal by Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India. This global celebration aims to raise awareness about the benefits of yoga for health and well-being.
  • International Year of Millets: Designated for 2023, the International Year of Millets was also initiated by India and adopted by the United Nations to promote awareness and utilization of millets as nutritious and sustainable foods. This initiative underscores the importance of millets in food security, nutrition, and sustainable agriculture worldwide.

The Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi said, “Yoga is a gift from our ancient culture that fosters holistic health and wellness, enhancing both physical and mental strength. Just as yoga is essential for the body and mind, superfoods like millets, also known as Shree Anna, contribute to good health through superior nutrition. Millets support soil health and play a vital role in combating climate change. Furthermore, the increasing demand for millets boosts the income of our small farmers.

Nurturing Wellness: The Powerful Combination of Millets and Yoga at Arahantas, Dharamshala

In the heart of Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh, Arahantas stands as a sanctuary of health and wellness, blending the ancient practices of yoga with the nutritional benefits of a millet-based diet. Spearheaded by yoga teacher and entrepreneur Vicky Sarkar, and in collaboration with the culinary expertise of Arnav Asim at “Gayatri – Eastern Plant-Based Kitchen,” Arhanta offers a transformative experience for those seeking a balanced, holistic lifestyle.

It was a pleasure listening to both Vicky and Arnab wholeheartedly, gaining invaluable insights into the profound connection between Millets and Yoga.

The Interplay of Millets and Yoga in Holistic Health:

In the modern quest for a balanced life, diet and yoga have emerged as pivotal components. At Arahantas, we recognize the profound impact these elements have on achieving overall well-being. Our mission is to provide a nurturing environment where individuals can re-evaluate their lifestyles and integrate healthier choices into their daily routines.

Arahantas: A Sanctuary for Daily Yoga Practice:

Arahantas offers a safe and serene space for daily yoga practice, guiding practitioners towards physical, mental, and spiritual harmony. Yoga, with its emphasis on mindfulness and body awareness, complements our nutritional philosophy, creating a synergistic approach to health.

Millets and Yoga
Yoga Class at Arahantas Yogashala

Gayatri – Eastern Plant-Based Kitchen: Nourishing the Body and Soul:

Our partner restaurant, “Gayatri – Eastern Plant-Based Kitchen,” is dedicated to promoting gut health through a sustainable and health-conscious menu. We have embraced millets, a nutrient-rich and versatile grain, as the cornerstone of our culinary offerings. Millets are not only game changers in the restaurant industry but also champions of gut health, providing essential fiber that nourishes gut bacteria and aids in digestion.

Millets and Yoga
Millet-based Recipes served at Gayatri – Eastern Plant-Based Kitchen

The Role of Prebiotic Foods in Gut Health:

Prebiotic foods, rich in dietary fiber, play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy gut microbiome. The fiber in these foods is broken down by gut bacteria, facilitating easier digestion and promoting a healthy gut environment. This is particularly significant as the gut is a key player in producing serotonin, the happy hormone that regulates mood and well-being.

Millets: The Heart of Our Menu:

At Gayatri, we serve a variety of millet-based dishes, each thoughtfully crafted to enhance gut health and overall wellness. Our menu includes:

  • Millet Chapati: A wholesome alternative to traditional bread.
  • Millet Ambali (Fermented Congee): A probiotic-rich dish that supports digestion.
  • Millet Cookies: A healthy snack option.
  • Millet Salad/Tabbouleh: A refreshing and nutritious dish.
  • Sourdough Breads: Naturally fermented breads that promote gut health.
  • Millet Soups: Warm and comforting, perfect for gut nourishment.

The Synergy of Yoga and a Millet-Based Diet:

By incorporating both yoga and a millet-based diet, we strive to enhance the well-being of our community. This combination promotes a harmonious and sustainable lifestyle, addressing both physical and mental health. Our approach is designed to foster a natural and healthy interaction with one’s anamaya kosha, or physical sheath, leading to a more balanced and fulfilled life.

At Arahantas, we believe in the transformative power of a holistic approach to health. Through dedicated yoga practice and a thoughtfully curated millet-based menu at Gayatri, we aim to guide our community towards a healthier, more harmonious way of living. Join us in this journey of wellness and discover the profound benefits of integrating mindful movement and nutritious food into your daily life.

Final Thoughts:

  • Yoga Routine: Start with basic poses and gradually incorporate more complex asanas. Include breathing exercises and meditation for complete benefits.
  • Incorporating Millets: Replace refined grains with millets in your diet. Try dishes like millet porridge, salads, and breads.
  • Consistency: Regular practice of yoga and consistent consumption of millets are key to reaping their long-term health benefits.

Author: Tapas Chandra Roy, A Certified Farm Advisor on Millets, ‘Promoting Millets from Farm to Plate’ and an Author of the book -” Millet Business Ideas-Empowering Millet Startups”. In a mission to take the forgotten grains- Millets to Millions. To remain updated on my blogs on Millets please subscribe to my newsletter and for any queries please feel free to write to [email protected]

3 thoughts on “Millets and Yoga: A Harmonious Duo for Holistic Well-being”

  1. Thank you, Tapas, for this interesting discussion. I had not made a connection between millets and yoga before.

    May I ask first if you have any preferences among the millets in connection with yoga?

    And second, which millet or millets are typically used for the several dishes mentioned?


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