5 Amazing Browntop Millet Benefits trending in India – Millet Advisor

Browntop Millet Benefits:

My phone was ringing when I got home after returning from my office in the evening. It was a call from my school days friend. ”Hey listen I was thinking to call you for so many days, asking you about your initiative on millets and how to include millets in our family diet as my parents are suffering from diabetes??

I said it’s very simple and easy. The only thing is to just start the journey and include millets in your regular diet. You can follow my blog where I have written about ”How to cook millets perfectly”.

In this busy world, we are neglecting our health and suffering from many lifestyle diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, joint pains, and heart-related problems. Can we sit and think for a moment. I will say we have given more preference to one or two cereals. The day you include millets, you can feel a change in your health.

Today, I have bought a millet that has more power and it’s healthy, the Browntop Millet. Will share all about the Browntop Millet Benefits in this blog. Let’s start.

Browntop Millet Benefits
Browntop Millet Grains

What is Browntop Millet?

This millet has a great demand from the point of nutritional profile and adapting to the hot and dry conditions demanding less water and inputs. It is mostly grown in the rainfed areas of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and some parts of North-Central India. It can tolerate drought and even can be grown in the coconut tree plantation. It has the potential to check soil erosion in hilly areas.

Apart from the Browntop millet benefits, its uniqueness has brought my inner intuition to carry out a trial of Browntop Millet in Koraput, Odisha and the experiment has proved that this millet can grow well here.

Browntop Millet Names in different Languages:

Sl.No.LanguagesLocal Names
1.HindiHari Kangni
5.PunjabiHari Kangni
6.GujaratiHari Kang
7.MalayalamChama Pothaval

By this time, you must be clear about the appearance of the plant and grains.

Browntop Millet Nutritional Value per 100g:

2.Protein (g)11.5

5 Amazing Browntop Millet Benefits:

1. Good for Diabetic Patients:

Browntop Millet has a low glycemic index (GI) which means it slows down the absorption of sugar in the blood of the human body instead of rushing quickly as in the case of rice. So it is a good substitute for rice.

Related Post: 5 Best Millets for Diabetes that lowers blood sugar

2. Browntop Millet Benefits-Supports Weight Loss:

Browntop Millet contains 12.5g of fiber per 100g of grains. Due to its high content of fiber, it helps in increasing the transit time of food in the gut. So, it is a better option for fitness enthusiasts who are on the journey of shedding the extra kilos and helping in attaining weight loss goals.

3. Good for the Heart:

Browntop Millet Benefits

The recent meta-analysis study has shown that consuming millets reduced total cholesterol by 8% and decreased blood pressure with the diastolic blood pressure decreasing by 5%. This has given evidence in lowering the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases thus keeping the heart health better.

4. Browntop Millet Benefits-Helps in better Digestion:

 Browntop Millet contains a lot of fiber which helps to prevent constipation and reduce the risk of developing bowel disorders.

5. Browntop Millet Benefits- Acts as a Detoxifier:

It helps in the binding of toxins as a detoxifying agent and keeps the body healthy.

Where to buy Browntop Millet:

It is always advisable to buy from your local market or you can buy from the online store.

Browntop Millet


Hope this article on ”Browntop Millet Benefits” was helpful for you and expect your feedback in the comment below. Till then have a nice day and see you very soon in my next blog.

Author: Tapas Chandra Roy, A Certified Farm Advisor on Millets, ‘Promoting Millets from Farm to Plate’. In a mission to take the forgotten grains- Millets to Millions. To remain updated on my blogs on Millets please subscribe to my newsletter and join my Telegram Channel – Millet Advisor for any queries please feel free to write at [email protected]

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